Frequently Asked Questions

Asked and answered!

How do I associate a campaign to a candidate?

When you add a new candidate to Leap Onboard, you need to specify the department and the role of the candidate. Based on this, all the campaigns mapped to a department and role get automatically assigned to the corresponding candidates. In other words, you don’t need to manually map campaigns to individual candidates.

Can I delete a campaign?

Yes, you can delete a created campaign. To delete the campaign, simply go to the Campaign tab, find your campaign under the ‘Recently Created Campaigns section’, click the three dots on the campaign icon, and select the delete option.

Can I create campaigns with custom dates for each post?

You can assign specific or custom dates to each post. To do this, open your campaign and choose the “Select Custom Date for Each Post” option. Then, choose a date / time for every post in the campaign before publishing it.

Can I share the campaign with other users on the platform?

Yes, you can share a created campaign. To share the campaign, simply go to the Campaigns tab, find your campaign under the ‘Recently Created Campaigns’ section, click the three dots on the campaign icon, and select the ‘Share’ option.

What is a campaign category?

A campaign category is basically a theme for a campaign in case you wish to segregate campaign posts in that manner. Of course, it is not necessary to only add posts that are similar in theme to a campaign category.

When do the posts in a campaign get delivered to the candidate?

The posts get delivered automatically based on the start date and the end date of the campaign. If a campaign contains 10 posts and if there are 30 days between the start date and the end date, then posts get delivered every third day starting with the start date.

Can I edit a campaign?

Yes, you can add or modify posts in a campaign or change the departments and roles mapped to the campaign or change the delivery schedule. However, remember to publish your campaign after you make any edits. The status of the campaign should say “Published”.

Can I add more than one campaign to a candidate?

Yes. If there are multiple campaigns that are mapped to a department and role, then all those matching campaigns get assigned to the corresponding candidates.